Artificial Social Intelligence for Successful Teams (DARPA Project - TA2 Team)

Human-Computer Interaction Algorithm

Replicating L2 learning in a Computational Model

Co-Operative Inference Topic Model


  • Scott Cheng-Hsin Yang, Chirag Rank, Jake Alden Whritner, Olfa Nasraoui, and Patrick Shafto (2020)

    Unifying recommendation and active learning for information filtering and recommender systems (Under Review)

  • Libby Barak, Scott Cheng-Hsin Yang, Chirag Rank, and Patrick Shafto (2020)

    Replicating L2 learning in a Computational Model. Proceedings of the 42th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society

  • Yang, S.,C-H., Anderson, S., Rank, C., Wang, P., Folke, T., & Shafto, P.

    Inferring knowledge from behavior in search-and-rescue tasks. (Under Progress)